
Support Guarantee

Internet software and services disappear all the time because of whimsy (“changing priorities”), acquisition, financial failure, or worse. It’s become a risky venture to place your trust and data in services that could disappear at any moment, for any reason, and with no guarantee that your data will be safe, preserved, or even portable.

We want more for our customers.

It’s a promise to our customers

We’re dedicated to to caring well for our customers. That means that if for some reason Ditto Events has to turn out our lights, we will give you an easy way to export your data and recommendations moving forward for how to keep track of your events. We won’t close down without making sure our customers are taken care of.

Changes & questions

Ditto may update this policy once in a blue moon. You can see a history of the changes to our policies since early-2023 here. We will notify customers about significant changes by emailing the account owner or by placing a prominent notice on our site.

Questions about this policy? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer them!